Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Why Older Women Make Better Lovers: Insight for Younger and Older Men Alike

As we are all aware, we live in a world culture that consistently equates youth with beauty and sexuality.  Most ad campaigns in the US and throughout much of the world depict the ideal woman as having a young, "perfect" body–lacking wrinkles, an extra once of fat, or naturally occurring breasts or rear-end.  Over the past century, this youthful image has come to represent our cultural ideals concerning what we deem sexy and sexually arousing.  Thus, as women age, they are targeted to feel less sexually attractive with less to offer in bed.  But does this youth-oriented equation reflect the reality of older woman–their bodies, their needs, or how effective they are as lovers?  Not by a long shot.  In fact, as any experienced man can tell you, older women do indeed make the best lovers.  Read more . . .