Thursday, March 17, 2011

Why are Leprechauns Associated with St. Patrick's Day?

Leprechauns have been known since ancient times as part of a group of “wee ones” called luchorpans (or lobaircin), and are in many of Ireland’s Fairy-tribe legends.  Although leprechauns are frequently referred to in Irish literature dating back as far as the 16th century, their exact character does not seem to have been fully understood until more recent times.  Usually described as old men of small size who wear cocked hats and leather aprons, they are makers of brogues by profession (a type of low-heeled shoe).  Leprechauns prefer to live alone in remote places and spend their time making shoes.  In most of the stories about them, it is the noise of their hammering that ultimately gives them away.  Read more . . .