Friday, January 21, 2011
How Diet Affects Sex Drive
Science shows that like any other bodily function, sex drive can be stimulated or suppressed by what one eats. For example, as healthy as dairy products like yogurt and cheese may be for overall health, they have been shown to put sexual urges right to sleep in many women. Likewise, sodas, ice cream, excess sweets, nuts, coconut, and avocados have all been known to cool one’s natural flame to barely a flicker. And for many people, plants of the nightshade family–tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, and peppers–can take you right out of the mood even if you haven't had any in a month. And the tricky part is, some people react quite differently to certain foods than to others, so we all have to be observant of the tell-tale signs to know which foods are stifling our sexual desire. Read more . . .