Sunday, January 22, 2012
Every Hippie's Sweetheart, Carly Simon
If you were a child of the 60s living in America, then you were most likely introduced to Carly Simon with the release of her popular 1971 hit, “Anticipation” from the album of the same name. Although she’d received marginal success with “That's the Way I've Always Heard It Should Be” from her first album, Carly Simon, it was Anticipation’s “I’ve Got to Have You” (written by song legend Kris Kristofferson) and “Legend in Your Own Time” that helped establish Carly as a cool Hippie chick who could write beautiful lyric, sing with a sweet yet powerful quality, and on top of it all, was sexy as hell. But what really sealed her legacy in American pop-rock culture was her phenomenally popular “You’re So Vain,” her first commercial breakthrough hit, appearing on the 1972 release, No Secrets. Read more . . .