Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Lost Continent of Mu

Could it be that the Biblical story of creation is based on the oral and written history of a great civilization that existed thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of years before the ancient Greeks, Chaldeans, Babylonians, Persians, Egyptians, or Aryans?  Is it possible that the Garden of Eden did in fact exist but was not located in the Near East as most historians speculate, but on a now-sunken continent that once existed in the middle of the Pacific Ocean--the remnants of which we now call Hawaii, Fuji, Samoa, and Tahiti?  Well, according to extensive studies conducted in the early 1900s by renown explorer and historian Colonel James Churchward, there is considerable and what many consider rather astonishing evidence supporting a theory that such a wondrous land did in fact once exist.  A land called MuRead more . . .