Sunday, May 22, 2011

Famous Cases of Plagiarism: More Than a Tradition, Practically an Institution

With many new online writers currently facing the ugly realities of plagiarism for the first time, a misconception is mounting that plagiarism is a relatively new phenomenon; one only perpetrated by the untalented, inept, or simply unscrupulous.  In a very real sense, however, although it is always frowned upon and often leads to lawsuits, plagiarism is a facet of writing that has co-existed with legitimate writing for all recorded history, a fact that itself, owes much to the practice of plagiarism.  And while all legitimate writers certainly have the right to be incensed by the flagrant pilfering of their hard-researched material, it’s important to keep in perspective that plagiarism is practically an institution unto itself, possessing a rich history all its own.  Read more . . .